13 definitions by Melbell

Much like a Barry boy, a Gary boy drives around in a car (usually some old model they bought second hand) with the music pumped up so loud that it shakes houses as they pass. Have often modified car's music system by stuffing speakers into the boot ect.
I was woken up by some Gary boy driving past the house at 2 in the morning, the music was so loud it made the windows rattle.
by Melbell September 21, 2005
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A word that orginally refered to suffolk, but not tends to be used to describe a place that is away from a main city.
"Oh, I don't actually live there, I'm more out in the sticks"
by Melbell August 24, 2005
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now-now means you intend to do something immediatly, whereas now tends to mean you will do it soon.
"I'll do that now"
"Yes, now-now"
by Melbell August 6, 2005
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Civillians, often used by military personelle.
"Why aren't they in uniform?"
"They're civies here just visiting"
by Melbell September 23, 2005
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A cunning plan to get rid of George Bush. Adapted from a Doctor Who episode, where the Doctor overthrows Harriet Jones' Government with 6 little words "Doesn't she look tired" which results in people speculating she is ill, and leads to a vote of no confidence.

The idea is to spread the idea that Bush looks tired to the same effect, and could also be seen as one big experiment to see if it works. Began as a meme on livejournal.

So, if you would like to take part in the experiment, or hate Bush and want to get rid of him, pass it on.
Doesn't Bush look tired?

You know, I think he does. I just mentioned that to my Mum and she agrees.

by Melbell January 4, 2006
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Shortend version of "episode"
"I can't wait for the next ep, why did it have to be a cliffhanger"
by Melbell September 3, 2005
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Spin off show of Stargate SG-1. Sci Fi show that is set in the Lost City of Atlantis, located in the Peguses Galaxy. In the series this city was built by a race called The Ancients who moved the city from Earth to peguses for some unknow reason, probably to escape a plague.
Stargate Atlantis is on tv! Yay!
by Melbell September 14, 2005
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