5 definitions by MayorClown

beans that was made by Kfc that was a meme in the late 200s and still is today, it is known as Kfb. It is actually just beans in a tube of fried chicken. the beans originated in the 70's and still might be open for buisness in some locations.
" yo she made some KeNtUcKy FrIeD bEaNs, what the f-"
by MayorClown June 8, 2022
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When the food is so good you want to scream but not really. So instead of screaming, people say, "BUSSIN'."
it is used to symbolize how food is sooo good it goes beyond the scale and hierarchy of good taste of your opinion.
"Yo this 2$ McDonalds meal is BUSSIN' "
by MayorClown June 8, 2022
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when someone gets so bored they type their computer keys in order from top, to bottom, to middle.
Usually happens when someone has already typed, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, then pl,okmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwa.
Man, i've already typed qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq and mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq then pl,okmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq, imma just type mplinjbuhyvgctfrxdzesWa.
by MayorClown June 8, 2022
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When your so bored and have typed all the other keyboard spammer that you press your middle and pointer finger and press q w or w and q in an order, try it yourself you could get the opposite or close its a bored typing thing
P1: Bro I've already typed all the other keyboard spammer bored things some imma type wqasxzredfvcytghnbiukjmop;l/.
P2: Well go for it i'm bored too, i might do it myself
by MayorClown August 31, 2022
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