4 definitions by MaxZero

'Gunna Do Something A Bit Silly' Syndrome
from the book 'Around Ireland with a fridge' by Tony Hawks
"alas, i had been struck down with what phychoanalysts refer to as G.D.S.A.B.S syndrome
by MaxZero September 22, 2005
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A Banana

originally An outburst from Kryten on the sitcom Red Dwarf as he triyes to lie by saying that the banana is an orange
"its a orrrrrrr, its an orrrrrr its a... its a Small off duty Czeckslovakian traffic warden!"
by MaxZero August 20, 2005
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A town in England and a city in new jersy

it also happens to be an anagram of wanker as pointed out by the comedian Jasper Carrot
"Im from newark"
"hahaha, wanker!"
by MaxZero October 11, 2005
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7up mascot of the early 90s, was borght back in 2002 and has returned to standing around on the cans/bottles with some zany quip in a thorght bubble.

Deemed the king of cool from his laid back personality and vacent expressions
"Whose that dude with the triangular head here?"
"Thats Fido, hes on my pencil case"
by MaxZero August 21, 2005
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