21 definitions by Master of Cunts

Shut - Your - Cunt - Flap
Mommy: ...I cant take any more...
Daddy: ...Sycf...
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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Erstwhile and previously undisclosed girlfriend of Flipper the Friendly Dolphin
Little Timmy: Look Captain...its Flipper...theres another dolphin with him!
Captain Peg: Arrrgghhh...there be Flaps...
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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If Little Jonny doesnt stop picking up hookers off the street he will turn into a nutfuckle...
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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A woman operating her vagina in a manner to be conducive to payment.
'Janey was out all night and came home with a guy in a Mercedes. She is a coin-op cunt...'
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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Absolute vacuum of space prevents sound waves from travelling and vice-versa.
When the user of a blondes face for sexual purposes finds that the pleasure sensation is too great and wishes to cry out in a manner befitting a scream. Realising to late that In Space No-one Can Hear You Scream...
by Master of Cunts May 14, 2008
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Act of being further, faster, harder, hotter and more extreme than any other.
Jamie: I hear they have not found Osama Bin Laden yet...
Friend: He is Deep In The Hole...
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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An exceptionally skilled, talented and otherwise original cunt. That can make anything, anywhere with nothing but mastery of cunt.
Jamie was at home yesterday and made an AK-47 from office stationary. He is such a Maccuntver...
by Master of Cunts May 10, 2008
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