3 definitions by Marykate Spillane

Short for zogword. When something is painfully awkward. Or just a little awkward. Anywhere between the slightest bit of awkwardness and physically painful awkwardness.
"It was so zog when Jimmy farted in church today!"

"Zog! Did you see Molly's fly is unzipped?"

"Zoggin in my noggin like corn on the cobbin."

by Marykate Spillane December 22, 2008
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A way of saying "this is awkward" very fast. It can be shortened for an even quicker use by saying "zog."
Molly: "Wow, Leo, look over there! That is the ugliest woman I have ever seen!"
Leo: "That's my mother.."
Molly: "Zogword."
by Marykate Spillane April 21, 2008
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A way of saying "this is awkward" very fast. It can be shortened for an even quicker use by saying "zog."

Ben: "Wow Polly, look over there, that's the ugliest woman I have even seen in my life."
Polly: "That's my mom.."
Ben: "Zogword."
by Marykate Spillane April 14, 2008
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