20 definitions by Marko The Great

A female bollock-bulge.

See also beetle-bonnet and monkey's chin
"Wow! Wouldn't mind rubbing my mits on that fanny-clam."
by Marko The Great August 26, 2004
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The feeling felt by a dolloper

To be well and truly wrecked, through the use of substances either legal or otherwise e.g Pissed or stoned.
"No way am I gonna even attempt to drive home mate. I feel absolutely fucking dolloped."

"Proper good shit man, that's real dolloping tackle"
by Marko The Great March 10, 2005
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The practice of sniffing the internal gusset or bull-nose area of recently worn or freshly laundered ladies undergarments.
"Oi Billybob, do ya fancy a spot of snelging tonight?"
by Marko The Great August 26, 2004
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German slang term for the mouth. Means gob or chops, but actually refers to the mouth of a beast.
"Get over here bitch and get your maul round my lid
by Marko The Great August 26, 2004
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A female bollock-bulge.

See also fanny-clam and monkey's-chin
"Wow! Look at the bollock-bulge on that bint"

"Yeh, real beetle-bonnet on that one mate"
by Marko The Great September 7, 2004
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Descriptive of the female genitalia when it is sandwiched between the legs and viewed sideways from the rear. A view often seen in jazz mags
"Phwooarr! Look at the fanny burger on that."
by Marko The Great August 26, 2004
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