6 definitions by Mark L Stevens
by Mark L Stevens September 23, 2009
Conjunctive slang that combines doofus and hillbilly. A foolish or inept person from a backwoods or other remote area, esp. from the mountains of the southern U.S. Also spelled dufubilly, dufabilly, and doofabilly.
by Mark L Stevens September 24, 2009
A self portrait photo of oneself in a lavatory used as an avatar on social media sites. Most popular being those from "laviators" who are people that take pictures of themselves in the mirrors of airline lavatories as made popular by Hellen Poole on her flight attendants blog.
by Mark L Stevens September 24, 2009
When your web, e-commerce, or Software As A Service (SaaS) site collapses under the load of all the new visitors that come to it because your company and/or URL appeared in a TechCrunch.com article that claims how great your company and/or service is. Success or failure comes suddenly based on your ability to scale from a handful of servers to thousands in a matter of a few hours.
Phil's new "I slept with Tiger Woods" T-Shirt business was TechCrunched and he wasn't even able to process 1 order, let alone the flood of over 100,000 requests that came in under an hour.
by Mark L Stevens January 25, 2010
The popping of the Web 2.0 bubble and software company ideas not based on sound business fundamentals. Daniel Lyons of Newsweek fame penned this in his article "Down in the Valley" on Oct 11, 2008. "With so many Internet companies chasing so few dollars, the Web 2.0 (pronounced 'Web two-dot-oh') craze now may be moving into a new phase: Web two-dot-over."
by Mark L Stevens September 23, 2009
A state of catatonia reached when a wealthy family exchanges Christmas gifts for hours and hours on end. Exacerbated when they've had their personal assistants purchase 20-30 gifts per family member over the course of an entire year.
Everybody was experiencing gift comas at the Martin household as they entered their 5th hour of exchanging gifts; mounds and mounds of which most didn't want in the first place and will be carted directly in their luxury SUVs to Goodwill on their drive back home.
by Mark L Stevens December 21, 2009