3 definitions by MajorClagNut

Said by northerners, to query who someone is. Most commonly used when either viewing someone from a distance or viewing a non-local new face who has entered the village.
"Oobedat ober der?" - Who is that over there?
"Oobedat cunt? nebe fram eer?" - Who is that cunt? He's not from around here.
by MajorClagNut February 26, 2021
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verb (used with object)

to engage in sexual activity with a rich older person to improve a facet of your own life. Could be simply financial but could also include social standing or career progression.


to label yourself or someone else as the giver or receiver of sexual activity to or from a rich older person
"I'm going to greypound Helen Mirren so she takes me to the BAFTAS"
"She is deffo that old fella's greypound"
"I'll be her greypound, not even sorry"
by MajorClagNut February 26, 2021
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verb, wahyt-kuhnt-ing, wahyt-kuhnt-ed

1. The act of writing offensive messages in white font on a white background to avoid detection.
"I think this wanker needs a whitecunt"
"I'm whitecunting the shit out of this forum!"
"Some fucker just whitecunted me!"
by MajorClagNut February 20, 2020
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