3 definitions by MR_T

Meaning to be the worst possible type of person. The definition stems from a hairy chinned girl that likes crazy things like having her boyfriend tape her while she does it with another guy, and then asks..."Is that weird"
Person 1: Dude, you girl is totally whack.
Person 3: CBC
by MR_T May 12, 2004
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This is when you don't come into work at all, or come and go as you please. Often using excuses like "I am sick" or "Dude, I had a girl in my office listening to my cool music. How was I supposed to work?"
Person 1: Where is Mike?
Person 2: That hoser marksburied today, so he may be in after lunch. Personally, I dont think he's sick, but probably is out taking pictures to send to everyone that no one cares about.
by MR_T May 14, 2004
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Peeing over the top of one's waistband rather than through the zipper, using the penis like a hose. Usually done at a time of rush leading to a high pressure relief, thus the fire hose.
Nick: Hey man, did you make it to the bathroom in time?
John: Yeah dude but I was wearing these stupid button up jeans so I had to firehose it so I didnt piss myself
by MR_T January 1, 2015
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