6 definitions by MF Sickness

Short for "Hi to you too" commonly used by people on irc as a reply on hi2u (Hi to you).
* lamer has joined #lame
<lamer> hi2uall
<lamer2> hi2u2
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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Okay well done.
Commonly used on irc and message boards.
* lamer got kicked by Sickness
<Sickness> lal i just pwned this fewl
<gFNoBody> kwd
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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Means "bend over please".
Not very commonly used by people on irc to tell eachother to bend over.
Most of the time just for fun.
<Sickness> hi2u
<maZtah> hi2u2
<Sickness> bop
* maZtah bends
* Sickness puts it in
* Sickness aahh
<maZtah> ffs!
* maZtah zips
<Sickness> thx
<maZtah> np, bop
* Sickness bends
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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Means "No Problem At All".
Used allot among a group of people on efnet as a reply to "thanks for *".
<lamer> send meh taht mp3 plz
<lamer2> kwilldo
<lamer> kthx
<lamer2> npaa
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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Means "Hi please".
Commonly used by a crew also known as MF and is mostly just a very lame way to say hi in a channel on irc.

This can mean the person wants someone to say hi back to him/her but can also just mean hi.
<lamer> hiplz
<lamer2> hi2u2 lamer

<lamer> hiplz
<lamer2> hi lamer
<lamer> kthx
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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Got better known after the "How to be lame guide" by bunnyrape.
Means "Nice to greet you" and is not really short for anything but still seen on irc.
Often used as a reply to hi2u2.
<lamer> hi2u
<lamer2> hi2u2
<lamer> nice2greetu
<lamer2> nice2greetu2
<lamer> kthx
<lamer2> npaa
by MF Sickness August 22, 2005
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