8 definitions by M Sedg

south african word for friends/homies
im just chilling with my brase .
by M Sedg January 5, 2016
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South African slang word for an act of stupidity/ craze
You are so visin sometimes you know.
We drank ourselves visin last night.
Don't be visin and just do it.
by M Sedg April 18, 2016
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south african slang word for eat.
Im going to vriet me visin when i get home
by M Sedg January 5, 2016
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south african slang for someone who's greedy
Stop eating so much you are uit gevriet.
You uit gevriet damn give someone else a chance also
by M Sedg April 17, 2016
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Afrikaans slang for someone who's scared.
Stop being such a bangetjie and just do it. You almost like a poes
by M Sedg April 17, 2016
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A place that sells alcohol generally around the corner from your home.
We need more beers bru, it's your turn to go to the smokkie.
by M Sedg July 5, 2018
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South African slang word for something fake/imitation.
that takkies you bought are bombai bru.
by M Sedg January 5, 2016
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