41 definitions by Luka

fucking awesome band. what the hell man? POP!?!?!?!?!? u guys r sooo retarded.
Linkin Park, Adema, and System of a Down are fuckin awesome!
by Luka October 26, 2003
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Adema is a "nu-metal" band that, although some fucktards think is one of MTV's bands, is very unrecognized. Another thing to face, if you want to get recognized and sell a lot of albumbs you want to get on MTV.
by Luka November 15, 2003
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a good CD but Hybris Theory was better
by Luka September 29, 2003
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Ok I used to hate Slipknot, but when I heard Vermillion, I was absolutely awed by his voice. That doesn't happen often.
Vermillion is probably one of the best and thoughtful songs I have heard since Alone I Break.
by Luka October 15, 2004
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hey brotha, your balls are moldy , remove them rusty staples
yo man quin shlizz and you owe me 69 pennies
by Luka March 6, 2004
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