4 definitions by Lollipoplicker

Something you set out to accomplish when the new year comes along. Also highly improbable you will go along with it, but it's the thought which counts.
New Years Resolutions are kind of like when you click the 'I read the terms and conditions'. You know you'll feel semi-guilty by clicking the button even if you didn't actually read so you say "I'll read them next time." You do that with New Years Resolutions. "I promise not to ever gossip again...next year. Did you hear what Ross did with Rachel? BRUH."
by Lollipoplicker January 2, 2015
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A person composed of all things fluffy and nice. The general characteristics that will stand out first in a Claire is her intelligence, kindness, adorableness, and that she is a Hufflepuff through and through, all that good stuff. When you truly get to know her, many words could describe her good persona, but since there are far too many I shall describe her simply as indescribable. She is one of my best friends, love ya five ever bub. ^_^
by Lollipoplicker January 1, 2015
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The man that has millions of women chasing after him, and millions of men wanting to be him. Noted for his amazing acting skills and his cheekbones.
I could cut myself slapping those cheekbones - Irene Adler referring to Sherlock who is played by Benedict Cumberbatch
by Lollipoplicker January 2, 2015
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A word that has been used far too much. Supposed to mean coolness or something silly like that. You probably don't have swag since you are look it up, which believe me, by the standards of other people I know who 'have swag'. is just fine.
Joe: I have soo much swag! SWAG FOR THE WIN!
Alai: You're giving me a headache, Joe.
by Lollipoplicker January 1, 2015
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