26 definitions by Lefty Power 123

A target that no dropped or falling object ever seems to miss.
*Drops the printer, printer inevitably lands on foot*
by Lefty Power 123 December 30, 2022
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A piece of missing media you consumed when you were very young, was extremely memorable and has left a lasting impression on you, but you cannot find it now no matter how much googling and asking people you do. You've tried for literally years and years, if not decades, to find this media, but you've not been able to find it at all.

The name of this phenomenon is inspired from one of the most high-profile searches for lost media throughout many years in the 2010s, when a man on a forum posted that for 28 years, he'd been looking for a short film, the "Clockman", he'd seen when he was 4 that he found to be extremely scary but had never been able to find or see again since. The search for the Clockman film gained traction and soon had hundreds, if not thousands, searching for it. After many years of searching and hundreds of dead leads, the film was finally found in late 2017.
"This story of two kids going really far underground I read when I was 5... I've never forgotten it, I've been looking for it for 20 years, I've never found it. It's my Clockman.
by Lefty Power 123 May 21, 2021
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When an individual, who has always thought or assumed they're straight, suddenly develops a huge crush on someone of the same gender. This makes the individual wonder if they are actually bisexual, rather than straight. As the same-sex crushes persist (as well as opposite-sex crushes), they realize in time that they have had their bisexual awakening, and are indeed a bisexual.
"It's weird... I've always only ever liked girls... but now I have the biggest crush on Matt! I want him, I want nobody but him! I've never felt this way before!! I... think I've had my bisexual awakening!!"
by Lefty Power 123 May 1, 2020
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Having a nightmare but in the day, so it's just a mare since it's in the day.

Basically, another way of saying you're having a living nightmare, ie you're in a really shitty situation.
Today's been AWFUL. I thought my English Literature exam was in the afternoon, but it was actually in the morning. I missed the exam, and now I've been told I've been held back. It's like all my exam-anxiety nightmares came true! I'm truly having a mare!
by Lefty Power 123 September 6, 2018
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A user on a chatroom or forum who, for whatever reason, decides they're a moderator or admin, even though they're not. These users will yell and scream at other users who they believe are breaking rules, telling them not to break said rules. They will often call on the real moderators and tell them how to deal with the supposed rulebreaker. These users are probably 10-15 years old and have a bit of a superiority complex.

These users think they mean well, but are actually just a giant pain in the ass and act as though the real moderators are incompetent. This often involves freaking the fuck out over the SLIGHTEST breach of the rules - or often when there is NO breach of the rules.

Often, the user is simply trying to get promoted to being an actual moderator. But what happens 99.9% of the time is that they get banned themselves. What is 110% certain, however, is that this user will NOT be promoted.
User on chatroom: Oh shit
Backseat Moderator: NO CUSSING!!! MODS, BAN THIS FOOL!!! BAN HIM!!! HE CUSSED!!!!!
Real Moderator: Cussing is allowed on this chatroom, dipshit.
(Backseat Moderator has been banned by Real Moderator for being a giant pain in the ass)
by Lefty Power 123 December 17, 2019
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When one laughs so hard that their mouth goes very wide open and the corners of their lips become highly rounded - so that when viewed side-on, their lips literally take the shape of a taco shell.

If you manage to get a side-on image of your friends taco laughing, it is guaranteed to become a crowning meme in the group.
Me: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Friend: I don't know, why did the chicken cross the road?
Friend: OMG HAHHAHAHAHAHA -Taco Laughs-
Me: -Takes picture, posts it on group chat-
Friend: Oh no did you take a picture of me taco laughing?
Me: Yeah I took a picture of you taco laughing!
Friend: Ugh my mouth is in the shape of a taco in this image!
Me: Yup, that's why it's called the taco laugh!!!
by Lefty Power 123 July 7, 2019
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The short-lived bout of flu-like side effects some people get shortly after having the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

Symptoms include a fever (of up to 102 degrees), feeling ill, chills, muscle aches, headaches... basically all the flu symptoms. In addition, you may get a raised lump at the jab site. Thankfully, they typically resolve fully within 48 hours, and are a sign your immune system is responding to the vaccine.
"Getting actual COVID-19 is a lot worse than AstraZeneca-itis, so do not skip out on the jab if you're offered it!"
by Lefty Power 123 March 24, 2021
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