13 definitions by Lee Ji Hoon

A very homosexual ball game.

It involves using a ball with two circles, about the diameter of a penis, cut into it, both directly opposite each other. At the start, one person from each team places their penis in the ball, and from there the game starts. The idea is to get the ball past the other team's goal line to score a goal, but you are only allowed to touch the ball with your penis. This is why the holes are there. The name comes from that the appearence given is that of fucking the ball.

The game is generally played with about 7 people a side, but can be played with as many fags as you can find.
Hey, you up for a game of fuckball?
by Lee Ji Hoon October 22, 2007
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Having a penis so large, it makes your mom's penis look small.
Krim: "I had a gay fuck last night and, man, that guy was hung like your mom!"
by Lee Ji Hoon November 19, 2007
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A scientific instrument used to measure gaydiation from a source of gaydioactive material. This takes the form of alpha particles, beta particles, and gaymma rays.

Most often, the gaydioactivity is measured in Gays. A reading of above gayghty-gayght Gays is very very gay, and you should get the hell away from the source of it.

Also, if you emit gaydiaton, you're super gay plus one.
Dude, Krim sent my gayger counter off the scale!
by Lee Ji Hoon October 25, 2007
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When you use a turd as a masturbation device. Specifically, you rub your penis back and forwards inside a piece of shit.

Alternatively, fucking a black girl (or guy, but only if you're the giver). This is a racist extention of the above definition.
Person 1: "I poowanked last night."
Person 2: "You took a dump and stuck your cock in it?"
Person 1: "Nah, I fucked a black girl."
by Lee Ji Hoon December 5, 2007
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A mo (moustache) on teh internets, similar to an e-mail or an e-penis.
Nerd girl: "Whoa, that guy has a hot e-mo!"
by Lee Ji Hoon December 29, 2007
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