5 definitions by LawOfficesOfHeslopMacomerSutty

Pronounced as ' swhot' (first t is silent)

A skinny white thot (that ho over there) who posts thirst trap pics on IG trying to get dudes to be her patreon or follow her on onlyfans. She got the body of a 12 year old boy but she eager to skin out (showing the pussy) online, so thirsty dudes and undercover pedos be following and her trying to get a pound of that swthot flesh.
Becky is such a swthot, I heard she got a bunch of old ass banker pedos kicking out 10Gs a month to see that skinny ass twerk on Patreon.
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All it takes to witness perfection (and buy jawbreakers)
Kevin(shoving flyer into Eddy's face): Listen dork!, Don't put your trash on my door! Yuh hear me?!
Eddy: (stares deep into Kevin's soul while Edd lurks creepily in background, cue in epic music): 25 cents...
Kevin: what?
Eddy: 25 cents, is all it takes Kevin...
Kevin: For what? Another one of your loser projects (ha ha ha)
Eddy: No, ....to see God... Have you ever wanted to see something soo beautiful, so unattainable, ...
Kevin:(stares at the abandoned Plank and says nervously) wh-wh-where's Johnny?
Eddy: He is witnessing perfection
Kevin: (suspicion grows) What do you mean, matter of fact, where is everyone today?
Eddy(raising voice): they are all a part of something far greater, ...they have seen something soo pure that their hearts can no longer turn back,...and it's right behind that door (points to huge carnival tent)
Kevin: whatever dork, take it and leave me alone

(Kevin hands over 25 cents and enters tent and sees the golden bright light. Ed morphs into gelatinous creature slithers behind him and reanimates into human form and waits for his moment)
Kevin: (gasps with terrified bewilderment as he stares into the glowing object):wh-wh-what is this?
Ed proceeds to attack/rape and/or murder Kevin while Ed and Eddy look on from outside.
Kevin screams in horror: Ah! ah! ah! get off me...get off me ahhhhh, no no nooo, ahhhh!!
Eddy (To Edd): Now. Who wants a jaw breaker
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(the p is silent with a hard 'th' pronunciation)

A pretentious thot(that ho over there) She (or he #feminism) pretends to be classy and into poetry and higher thinking but she really just a thot who dated one academic burnout and now she behaves like she absorbed a PhD thesis through her vagina. Now she/he be hanging out at museums, galleries, think tanks and political fundraisers like she belongs. She got no real thoughts of her own, deep down she is just an ordinary dumb ass low brow thot
Yo! Lakeisha been hanging out with dem Capitol Hill interns, trying to bag her a senator sugardaddy. Girl is a real pthot. She thinks Tort Reform means reforming thots into educated chicks. What a dumb ass bish.
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(the p is silent with a hard 'th' pronunciation)

A pretentious thot(that ho over there) She (or he #feminism) pretends to be classy and into poetry and higher thinking but she really just a thot who dated one academic burnout and now she behaves like she absorbed a PhD thesis through her vagina. Now she/he be hanging out at museums, galleries, think tanks and political fundraisers like she belongs, but deep down just just an ordinary dumb ass low brow thot. She got no real thoughts in her head and she is a real thot.
Yo! Lakeisha been hanging out with dem Capitol Hill interns, trying to bag her a senator sugardaddy. Girl is a real pthot. She thinks Tort Reform means reforming thots into educated chicks. What a dumb ass bish.
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Getting laid /sex from someone who you think owes your lame ass sex because you been doing favours for a while with the intention of getting some
Jerome been tryin to get a pound of dat flesh from Regina for a minute now. Been taking her to fancy dinners, paying her bills and even babysitting her kid but his boy Tyrone been gettin' a pound of that flesh every time while Jerome babysitting.
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