4 definitions by LargeExtent

A phrase used in substitution of the word “because” to make one appear well-versed in the English language
Largely due to the fact that my IQ is substantially greater than that of you, I am thusly superior to you with regard to every conceivable facet of reality”
by LargeExtent October 31, 2020
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That little spinning plate thingy in a microwave
Did you know that that plate in the microwave is called an Agoura?
by LargeExtent May 2, 2024
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When you are just utterly zooted beyond the mortal plane and you can't really tell what's going on and you basically unconsciously open and close your airpods case on the brim of your hat for no reason
My Airpods are Hungry for my Hat
by LargeExtent April 13, 2022
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A term used in substitution of the word "therefore" or "thus" to make one appear well-versed in the English Language.
"Largely due to the fact that I have a large IQ, thusly I am intelligent"
by LargeExtent October 30, 2020
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