156 definitions by LXXLoveRoulette


The fan made Kimus Christula meme that features a picture of Kim's face in a snow globe.
Have you seen the dracuglobe meme?

Dracuglobe is a fan made meme
by LXXLoveRoulette July 29, 2023
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1: A Kim Dracula reminder.

2: A reminder dealing with Kim Dracula.
Thank you for the kiminder.

Your daily kiminder is here!
by LXXLoveRoulette July 25, 2023
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1: When Kim Dracula uses aggression to enhance their art.

2: Kim Dracula aggression.
Kim put a whole lot of dracggression in this song!
by LXXLoveRoulette July 25, 2023
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We will have a test on Dracology Friday.
by LXXLoveRoulette August 19, 2023
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Count Slay

1: Kim Dracula.

2: Another fan made name for Kim Dracula because they constantly slay.
Kim is always slaying so they're new name is Count Slay.
by LXXLoveRoulette August 3, 2023
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The act of accumulating any large amount of Kim Dracula content of any form.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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1: A picture posted of Kim Dracula.

2: A post that includes an image of Kim Dracula.
Thank you for posting this kimage!
The new kimage posted is a great picture of Kim Dracula.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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