156 definitions by LXXLoveRoulette

1: The original creator behind the idea of the Dractionary.

2: Someone who uses all the help they get from other Kim Dracula fans to further create the Dractionary.
LXXLOVEROULETTE gave us the Dractionary..

We have to help LXXLOVEROULETTE finish the Dractionary for Kim Dracula.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 26, 2023
1: What someone says to a Kim Dracula fan when they need to hydrate.

2: The act of hydrating with water often done by a Kim Dracula fan.
You need to hydratula before you have to go to the hospital.

Please remember to hydratula for your health.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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1: A phrase used by Kim Dracula fans when they are perplexed, confused, or downright annoyed and or angry.

2: A phrase that can also be used when something is silly or funny.
What the fuckula are you talking about?!
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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1: When you go out into the world and no one knows you're a drac fan.

2: When someone doesn't appear to be a Kim Dracula fan.
by LXXLoveRoulette August 7, 2023
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What Kim Dracula fans call cute little bumble bees with fuzzy butts.
Awwe, it's a Kimble Bee!

Kimble bees are so cute!
by LXXLoveRoulette August 1, 2023
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The intense feeling of happiness or emotional euphoria upon experiencing anything associated with artist Kim Dracula.
This music video made me so drappy!

I am extremely drappy from all the Kim Dracula content.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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The intense feeling of happiness or emotional euphoria upon experience anything associated with artist Kim Dracula.
This music video made me so drappy!

I am extremely drappy from all the Kim Dracula content.
by LXXLoveRoulette July 24, 2023
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