7 definitions by Kratos3

One who is obsessed with other peoples abs or with getting ripped in the midesection..
"Poor Ryan, so absessed with getting rid of that extra 200 lbs."
by Kratos3 September 14, 2009
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a municipality of Laconia, Greece; lies at the site of Ancient Sparta
Remo Pizza Cafe is located in modern Sparta/Sparti
by Kratos3 January 24, 2009
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A word commonly used by wiggers, latino wanksters, and stupid fat/annorexic bitches all under the age of 16 in networking sites (most notably myspace) that have been mocked for being what pathetic little things they are. "Fuck" or "Hi" Hataz is the most common phrase used with it.
You have seen enough examples of "Hataz" users.
by Kratos3 June 15, 2009
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The act of being a sadass.
Rick - "Cindy had sex with my dog instead of me..and now they have a steady relationship"
Bob - "You're totally sadassed, bra"
by Kratos3 September 1, 2009
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The correct famous phrase in The Empire Strikes back when Luke confronts Vader...
Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me YOU killed him.

Vader: No, I am your father.

by Kratos3 June 15, 2009
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A potentialy humorous alternative to Yo or Joe Mama (mahmah) when pronounced Yo Maymay...
Jo Mama can make a better example than me..
by Kratos3 June 15, 2009
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An epic piss resulting from supersizing that coke at the theaters.
Duuuude, that was waaaay too much Vault. I gotta go take and elephant piss.
by Kratos3 August 22, 2009
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