4 definitions by Knotted up

When a man is dressed up in at least a shirt and tie for an occasion or no reason at all, usually while wearing sexier and slinkier underwear.
The pledges looked pretty spiffy around campus today. They all wore black pants, a white shirt and a red tie for valentines week.
by Knotted up May 19, 2020
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Describes a guy who is dressed up all the time, whether by necessity or choice. Standards are high, with a shirt and tie being the benchmark for “dressed up.” Terms spiffy, spiffed, and spiffed up apply.
Carson joined the preppy frat to indulge in his high levels of spiff. He enjoyed that all members were required to be wearing no less than a shirt and tie every day to class.
by Knotted up May 19, 2020
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When a man is dressed up in a full suit and tie, again for a reason or on a whim to look hot.
Matt found out the girl he likes is interested in classier men, so he got spiffed up every day to impress her. Even though it was uncomfortable for him, she found his level of spiff pretty hot.
by Knotted up May 19, 2020
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Describes a man who is dressed up in an outfit that includes a tie.
Pledges look pretty spiffed on Mondays when they have to be knotted up all day.
by Knotted up March 8, 2020
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