7 definitions by King Crumb & Stains

The act of switching male partners between vaginal and anal sex without the female noticing.
I pulled out of Nikki last night whilst doing doggy and you slipped into her arse, without her realising it wasn’t me!
Yeah! We were so postmanning that hoe!
by King Crumb & Stains November 7, 2020
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The enjoyable experience of receiving hand or oral sexual satisfaction during active participation of an online meeting.
Did you see Carly’s face halfway in during Monday morning’s meeting?
Yeah, I reckon she was getting well teamed under her desk!
by King Crumb & Stains November 7, 2020
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A person who is your first choice to do some volunteer community-based cleaning with.
Clare is a top rate Partner in Grime for cleaning the beach with.
by King Crumb & Stains November 9, 2020
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A play on holdall.
A hoedall is a box, bag or barrow used to transfer your hoe - usually when they are drunk or spaced out.
Had to clear the tools out of my mobile case to use it as a hoedall to get Clare’s drunken arse home.
by King Crumb & Stains November 10, 2020
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The act of enjoying a scrumptious outdoor picnic followed by intense alfresco sex
Carleen still remembers the great picdicks she had in the Norfolk Broads:
Fantastic food, copious amount of wine and as many lovers as she could fit on the picnic rug!
by King Crumb & Stains November 7, 2020
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A particularly unpleasant and abused public area that is covered in litter and other unpalatable human mess.
The training ground behind the beach is the area’s grot spot - full of druggie litter and washed in sea waste.
by King Crumb & Stains November 10, 2020
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The dilemma of having to choose between a selection of sweet looking pussies.
Rick went to the Navy orgy and was blown away at the bevy of vacant pussy on show. Man, that was some Clitoris Allsorts show!
by King Crumb & Stains November 7, 2020
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