12 definitions by KiP

Furbys are a stupid peice of crap so useless that they just sit on a shelf dying and making demonic noises.

Furbys are useful for:
Beuti-fying (coloring it with ink)
Scaring Children
More hitting
Tormenting small animals
Putting in a spin dry cycle
Paper weights
(noise made by furby with 6 month old batteries)

Hmm.. what catergory does this go in??
by KiP January 14, 2005
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when a white guy does a black chick anally or otherwise. His penis becomes the stick, and she is the fudge.
Kip and LaFawnduh did a fudgesicle.
by KiP December 29, 2005
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Oh man, Lefawnduh is like my Korey Buecheler.
by KiP January 2, 2005
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A phrase that is another way of saying awesome, rad, cool, sweet, tight, etc. You do not use it in the middle of a sentence.

example of how NOT to use it: I have a that go hard mp3 player.
How to use it:

speaker 1. "Man, Yesterday i got this sweet bass system for my car."

speaker 2."Oh that go hard."
by KiP April 16, 2005
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In U.K. a hot or extremely hot curry, such as vindaloo, tindaloo or phaal. Defenition refers to not the preliminary chilli peppery taste, but the secondary "afterburn" effects felt on the loo next morning.
I had ten pints and a vindaloo last night, what a ringstinger! I've been shitting through the eye of a needle!
by KiP October 31, 2003
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also known as M-world (NOT m-town. kthx)
1.a town stuck in between new haven and stratford is trying terribly hard to not be as ghetto.
2.upper class and lower class are clearly defined by a border. this border is known as the boston post road.
3. beach town. about a two hour train ride from nyc.
4. the only reason people come TO milford from other towns is for the mall.
5. two public highschools. foran and law. obviously foran is better.
6. devon. WHY???
random person: where are you from?

person from milford: milford.

random person: where is that?

person from milford: do you know where yale is?
by KiP February 17, 2005
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