16 definitions by KWY789

Candidacy for the third term of a political office or other position.
Tri-election (re-re-election) refers to the third term.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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Candidacy for the fourth term of a political office or other position.
Quadri-election (re-re-re-election) refers to the fourth term.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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When someone or something wins the first term.
That person was elected.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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When someone or something wins the second term.
That person was re-elected.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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When someone or something wins the fourth term. Synonym of quadri-elected.
In the presidential elections of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, re-elected in 1936, tri-elected (re-re-elected) in 1940 and quadri-elected (re-re-re-elected) in 1944.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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Candidacy for the seventh term of a political office or other position.
Septi-election (re-re-re-re-re-re-election) refers to the seventh term.
by KWY789 January 17, 2023
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