7 definitions by KFM



Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
by KFM June 24, 2004
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File that stops search engines from crawling a specified page or directory.
Disallow all search engines to crawl the specified directories - /images and /cgi-bin:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /images/
by KFM December 24, 2004
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One of the most customizable Virtual Window Managers. Originally called Feeble Virtual Window Manager. Now just the F? Virtual Window Manager.
Man 1: Do you agree that Fvwm is truly the most customizable Window Manager?

Man 2: Yes, I agree. Fvwm is truly the most customizable Window Manager.
by KFM March 23, 2005
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One of the most cusomizable Virtual Window Managers. Originally called Feeble Virtual Window Manager. Now just the F? Virtual Window Manager.
Fvwm is truly the most customizable Window Manager.
by KFM June 12, 2004
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The GIMP is a fine example of OSS.
by KFM November 26, 2004
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yeah right

I doubt it. (double positive equaling a negative.)
1st person:"The United States went into Iraq to establish democracy and promote freedom."
2nd person: "Yeah right."
by KFM February 2, 2005
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noun: blatant disregard for the thoughts, opinions and feelings of others; particularly those with whom you disagree.
There was no real republican criticism of the phacuity the vice president demonstrated on the Senate floor.
by KFM January 27, 2005
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