6 definitions by Justanother definition

Hill Sister

A grown woman who is consistently competing against her own sister. Hill is taken from the old game king of the hill where only one player remains ontop of the hill and is crowned. They may also compete against other women or people too. They can be jealous , envoius or wanting what they feel they do not have. They start out seeking parents attention and affection when they were young . When they become older they add more to the mix. They practice the forbidden subtle art of one upmaship.

Sister Y just bought a house with her boyfriend of 10 years. Now single sister Z suddenly gets a boyfriend and moves into his new home. Sister Y gets married and so does sibling Z.

Sister Y made a scarf and Sister Z buys handmade item and shows it off.

Some do come off their hills.
Random guy - You know ya married a hill sister.
by Justanother definition August 18, 2024
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Squeaky sneakers.

Footwear that make a squeak sound.
The sound that new shoes sometimes make.
Jess just got a new pair of sqeakers.
by Justanother definition August 18, 2024
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Guy eye

That uncomfortable forced eye contact a male continues on making towards a female as she is trying to dodge it because he got that wrong interpetation. Generally started with hi and simple convo , attached with a happy personality.

A unwanted creepy stare that is forced onto another person who is not vibeing . Makeing the person try to maneuver to avoid eye contact.
Girl : I got guy eyed at the book store.
Girl 2: was he hot?
Girl: No.
Girl 2: what cha do then to get guy eye?
Girl : I said hi and smiled.
Girl 2 : awkward .
by Justanother definition August 21, 2024
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Red kayak

A term that combine red flag and the water sport kayaking.

A relationship or action built on a person manipulating another in what may seem as normal behavior. The person whom is doing this works on regulting their appearance around certain people and the person they are manipulating. They can come off nice, independent and secure. They will use different methods and information they find online to get what they want. They want a relationship (not really the person they are with) and the perks that might come with it. They will direct and control the relationship and the person in the way they want it. Perks might include not working, a new car, paid trips, getting parent adoration , control and whatever they find as a gain. People who know the person that is being manipulated will generally keep their mouth closed about this beacuase concerns of lash back of this person.
Look she is red kayaking that guy.
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Love unconditionally

A term is which the user expresses another persons compliance to one or more of their needs and expectations.
by Justanother definition January 8, 2025
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Relationship digger

Is person who purposely looks for and enters a relationship not really for the other person. This person thrives off the th ideal , attention and action gained through haveing a relationship. They will help push the relationship where they believe it should be. Like a gold digger they like showing off. They are not really not into the person, just what the can provide for them.

Some of these relationship do turn into the real thing .
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