4 definitions by Juni Cortez

I think Dracula lives here. I don't know anything else about this place.
None of the countrys in eastern europe are famous.
by Juni Cortez January 24, 2009
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the war before World War 2. Nothing else related this is well known.
woman: What happened in World War 1?
man: I have no fucking clue.
by Juni Cortez January 24, 2009
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Paris Hilton's red haired midget cat that my friend, Courtney now owns after she quit working for Paris because she was being a bitch. Paris named the cat this because the cat has red pubes, and she wanted to make fun of Lindsey Lohan.
My friend owns Paris's cat, Firecrotch.
by Juni Cortez January 22, 2009
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I MUST HAVE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Juni Cortez January 22, 2009
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