217 definitions by Jumbled McGobbledygook

A building built using dried, hardened turd
They have opened a new turdotherapy centre in turdingham palace
by Jumbled McGobbledygook April 18, 2021
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A Kombucha culture gone bad, with moldy growth or nasty smell
To mask the nastiness, Mohammed was adding flavoring substances & stuff to batch of cuntbucha he was selling. The authorities found this out & shut him down.
by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 26, 2020
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A spice loved by butt burglars
Ass pirates commandeered a ship carrying a cargo of turdmeric
by Jumbled McGobbledygook February 14, 2021
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A total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human cuntelligence
Cuntisha has a Cuntelligence Quotient (CQ) of 222
That truly is off the charts
by Jumbled McGobbledygook December 11, 2020
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1) a herb that makes you dumb as a turd

2) a batch of rosemary gone bad

3) Rosemary grown using turd compost
Jim why did you bring a bunch of turdmary from the farmer's market?
by Jumbled McGobbledygook April 19, 2021
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When your friends gather to snort coke on Christmas because your long time drug dealer offers Christmas discounts
We are celebrating snortmas on 25th & everyone is invited!
by Jumbled McGobbledygook January 18, 2021
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