5 definitions by JuloAnhedonia

the word that every American uses instead of “you’re
American: your so pretty
Person: you’re*
by JuloAnhedonia November 2, 2021
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(phr.) a saying created by poor people to help curb their jealousy of the rich
“money cant buy happiness”
shut up
by JuloAnhedonia November 2, 2021
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lordjulo is a very smart person, who is totally not misgendering himself, and totally not bad at geography. he is also not sus 😍💪😋😮 💨🙏✨
person1: what do you want to be when you grow up
lordjulo: your mom
person1: you’re a boy..
lordjulo: i meant your dad
by JuloAnhedonia September 6, 2021
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misspelling a word so badly that there are no spelling suggestions
person 1: mispelibg

person 2: what?
person 1: fjck
person 2: you’re a failure
by JuloAnhedonia November 2, 2021
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(your mom’s breed)

in romania, this phase is very common

it has different meanings depending on the sentence.

1. when a romanian is really pissed and starts swearing. when you hear “fututi rasa ma-tii” (fuck your mom’s breed), theres a 50-50 chance they’ll beat you up.

2. when someone asks whats your animal’s breed.

Marian: But I cant pay for tonight, balls, i told you this morning!

Matei: rasa ma-tii de prost! i wont buy you cigarettes anymore.


Maria: omg!!! your cat is so cute!!! what’s it’s breed?

Andrei: rasa ma-tii.
Marian: But I cant pay for tonight, balls, i told you this morning!

Matei: rasa ma-tii de prost! i wont buy you cigarettes anymore.


Maria: omg!!! your cat is so cute!!! what’s it’s breed?

Andrei: rasa ma-tii.
by JuloAnhedonia January 11, 2022
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