26 definitions by Julius The Jules

Conscapsism is a new religion that is based on the belief that consciousness is a fundamental force in the universe. Conscapsists believe that consciousness continues to exist after death in a form of singularity, and that all are connected through a shared consciousness.

Conscapsism is a religion for the 21st century. Conscapsists believe that the old religions are no longer relevant in a world that is increasingly interconnected and globalized. They offer a new way to connect with something larger than themselves, and to find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Conscapsism helped me connect to the larger part of our shared consciousness we have with each other and I understand the singularity that forms from our consciousness when we die.
by Julius The Jules June 10, 2023
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Sothocism stands for "Society of the Heart of Christ", for whom central focus is on the heart of humankind as taught by Jesus Christ and for which one must do to free themselves of sin, but above all love God and let Christ enter your heart.

Here are some of the specific things that Jesus taught about the heart:

• The heart is the center of a person's being.
• The heart is the place where thoughts, feelings, and desires originate.
• The heart can be corrupted by sin.
• The heart can be changed by God.
• We should love God with all our heart.
• We should love our neighbors as ourselves.

Jesus' teachings about the heart are a powerful reminder that we are more than just our physical bodies. We are also spiritual beings, and our hearts are the most important part of who we are. When we understand this, we can begin to live our lives in a way that honors God and brings him glory.

That is the central message of Sothocism.
I understand my heart by the teachings of Christ and by which Sothocism reminds us of His teachings on the heart.
by Julius The Jules July 24, 2023
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The religion or philosophy with the central belief that you are your own reality. How you interpret your own reality is how you will influence and shape it. Controlling your own reality starts with first clearing your mind, then changing your perception of how reality works; do you always get what you want? Do you always have good luck? Is the world a wonderful place? Answering yes to all of these will influence your reality in a fluid way.
Apseudoism is my reality from now on!
by Julius The Jules January 8, 2023
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A philosophy of lifelong self-discovery, founded by Dr. Joseph D. Smith, Ph.D. Phrilyonists believe in exploring the mysteries of existence and the secrets of human consciousness, without judgment or fixed beliefs.
Phrilyonism is a philosophy of lifelong self-discovery that teaches us to be open to all possibilities and to be in awe at all the intriguing parts of ourselves and the world we perceive before us.
by Julius The Jules November 4, 2023
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Paxrespectuism is the belief or philosophy to remind you to be at peace with yourself, while at the same time respecting others and their own peace.

Paxrespectuists use their philosophy to remind themselves that if something doesn't bring peace to themselves or others, you shouldn't do do or say it in the first place (and thinking about it is just as bad). The individual Paxrespectuist can fill in the rest for themselves such as belief in God/Goddess/Etc, the afterlife, life stances, lifestyle, etc.

Paxrespectuism was formed from: Pax = Peace + Respectu(s) = Respect + Ism = to form a belief
Paxrespectuism helped me be at peace with myself and respect others. Peace to you all.
by Julius The Jules May 13, 2023
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n. The belief that there is no self, or soul, and that all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent.
I'm an Anattasophist, an adherent of Anattasophism, so I don't believe in a separate, individual self. I believe that we are all part of a larger whole.
by Julius The Jules August 29, 2023
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A small, tight-knit community located in the 4 sections of North Green Street in Glasgow, Kentucky. The residents of Greenertown are known for their friendly and welcoming nature, and their commitment to making their neighborhood a great place to live.
"I grew up in Greenertown, and I'll always cherish the memories I made there."
by Julius The Jules August 30, 2023
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