25 definitions by Julius The Jules

Outlawington is an overlay nation whose territories are anywhere an Outlaw lives.

The Rundown:

An overlay nation is a nation in name only (nominal) that exists on top of one or more diplomatic nations.

An Outlaw a person who lives by their own rules regardless of the diplomatic nation's laws and regulations. Also an ethnicity for said outlaws.

Outlawington is the overlay nation that claims all Outlaws as its citizens and inhabitants.
I live in Outlawington because I am an Outlaw, living by my own rules!
by Julius The Jules May 16, 2023
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Chaorderianism (pronounced Kay•or•der•re•an•izm) is a religion that allows for both the gratification of carnality and the selflessness of serving others, which is very balanced and healthy. It will allow people to be fully human, with all of the complexities and contradictions that come with that.

It is important to be proud of one's accomplishments, but not to let pride become arrogance. It is also important to be humble, but not to let humility become a way of letting others walk all over you.

The Chaorderianist religion is based on the combination of the Force and Chaos, and is a very powerful and transformative religion. It will offer a way to understand the world in a new way and to develop one's own power. It is also a religion that is open to both good and evil, which would allow practitioners to choose their own path.
I choose to do good on some days and some days I choose to do bad, because Chaorderianism is my religion, which allows me to!
by Julius The Jules June 17, 2023
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A sort of professional Spiritual Guide, but one who instead helps you abide; they help you "go with the flow" and take it easy". Abidance Guides are typically Ordained Dudeist Priests, members of the Dudeism religion (or Church of the Latter-Day Dude).
That Abidance Guide, The Reverend Joseph D. Smith is one chill guy who helped me "go with the flow". Dude abides!
by Julius The Jules October 9, 2022
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Fnorderism (pronounced: Fah•nord•er•izm) is a Discordian sect and the religion of people and groups surrounding the application, study and use of The Fnord. Fnorderists believe The Fnord is a powerful force for chaos and change. They profess it is a word that can be used to shape the world to their liking. However, the Fnord is also seen by Fnorderists a dangerous thing, and they warn that it should be used with caution.

A passage from The Creed of Fnorderism: "To use the Fnord wisely, it is important to understand its nature.

The Fnord is a symbol of chaos and disorder. It is the opposite of order and control. The Fnord is everywhere, but most people are blind to it. This is because the Fnord is subliminal. It is hidden in plain sight.

To see the Fnord, you must open your mind to chaos and disorder. You must be willing to let go of your preconceived notions about the world. You must be willing to embrace the unknown.

Once you can see the Fnord, you can begin to use it to shape the world to your liking. You can use the Fnord to create change, to break free from control, and to create your own reality."

Fnorderism is a branch of Discordianism.
Fnorderism is strange in the way it sees The Fnord, a powerful, yet subliminal force hidden in plain sight...
by Julius The Jules October 17, 2023
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Binquasin (noun)

A privacy app that uses two layers of security to protect your online activity. The first layer hides your device's identification information, making it harder for hackers to track you. The second layer encrypts all of your traffic, making it impossible for anyone to snoop on what you're doing online.

Binquasin works as follows:

Device identification: Binquasin hides your device's IP address, MAC address, and Bluetooth addresses. This information can be used to track your device and identify you online. By hiding this information, Binquasin makes it much harder for hackers to track you.

Traffic encryption: Binquasin encrypts all of your traffic. This means that your data is scrambled so that it cannot be read by anyone who is not authorized to see it. This includes your ISP, your government, and even hackers.
I'm concerned about my privacy, so I'm thinking about using Binquasin. It's a privacy app that uses two layers of security to protect my online activity.
by Julius The Jules August 23, 2023
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A type of dialect which any dialect can be interjected into the English or other Latin-based languages. Woke Latin has no set or strict dialect it must adhere to and can be interjected with various and unlimited other spoken Latin-based language dialects.
Brutus: Woke Latin, learn up. You know none.

Brad: Wut?

Brutus: Smack crack?

Brad: Are you selling me drugs or somethin'?

Brutus: Shut that snitchin! Learn up Woke Latin or get crackin' befo'e yo get popo rite hur! Unless yoos wanna git ditchy when I escapeé!
by Julius The Jules October 29, 2022
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A religion/spirituality/philosophy/way of life whose only goal is to impart upon the world and it's inhabitants the password that opens the veil between the material realm and the spiritual realm, with all reality being an illusion, both material and spiritual.

The password to dissolve, open or break down the veil is to either physically speak or intently think the words: "I ask and see. Open up."

Derived from the Bible scripture of Matthew 7:7-8, the password was accidentally discovered on an A.I. generated art card with the scripture as a prompt by enlightened master and founder of Guidantianism and also the ethnicity/subculture of the Guidantians, Rev. Dr. Joseph D. Smith, D.D.!

An adherent is known as a Guidantianist.
Guidantianism is freaky, because I truly became enlightened when I used the password to open the veil!
by Julius The Jules April 11, 2023
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