12 definitions by Joshie G.

Word used in the movie Office Space by Michael to describe the world of horror they will soon be in when the company finds out about their money stealing scheme gone-wrong.
"I herby sentence you to five years in Federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison."
by Joshie G. April 27, 2010
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When somthing is so unbelievable that all your thoughts get trapped, like in a bottle
"Man, that girls boobs are mind bottling."
by Joshie G. May 7, 2010
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(noun) Refers to the unmistakeable urge to to take an explosive shit after ones participation in a running related athletic activity, such as cross country or track. Usually amplified by consuming large amounts of food or water
After completing the marathon, Matt had a bad case of runners bowels and dashed to the nearest port a potty.
by Joshie G. April 23, 2010
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A conditon in which gamers, through steady provoking, simply cannot take being killed (cheaply or otherwise) anymore and leave a online game game mid-match. Mostly occurs in multiplayer first person shooters. I.E Call Of Duty or Halo.

Warning signs preceding this action include
-The throwing of said gamers controller
-Rampant punching of a sofa/love seat
-Yelling at family members/roommates
-Letting loose a stream of expletives and complaining over in-game chat
Joe: Why is Jack leaving every call of duty match he gets into?
James: Oh, man thats a bad case of Rage Quitting
by Joshie G. April 23, 2010
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The implantation of an idea deep in the subconscious that will bear future results.

Comes from the mind bending 2010 movie of the same name starring Leonardo DiCaprio
In the movie, Dominic Cobb and his team attempt to perform inception on a businessman named Robert Fischer, in order to get him to dissolve his fathers energy empire.
by Joshie G. July 20, 2010
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