3 definitions by Jonny Ovenmitts


When you have a major interview or event the next day and prioritize bouling over getting a good night's rest to prepare.
Milo: Yo bro, I heard Jared has a major interview with admissions tomorrow

Paul: Ya man, but he's totally going to Ginsberg it, says he wants to smoke weed and get fucked

Milo: Damn dude, he's better than that job anyways
by Jonny Ovenmitts January 3, 2019
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Zager Zamboni

The Zager Zamboni is when while having intercourse the male does a line off his partners ass all while on crutches and delivering a heartfelt soliloquy from "Hamlet". Only a real boss can make this happen.
Greg: Yo heard you went to Casa Blanca last night. Was it sick....

Zager: Yeet, it was unreal since I gave her the ol Zager Zamboni after din and playing some 2048 and Bike Race
by Jonny Ovenmitts July 30, 2018
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Zager Zamboni

A Zager Zambini is when during sexual intercourse the Male does a line of coke off his girl's ass while on crutches and delivering a Hamlet monologue. This type of act is reserved for true legends of the game
Greg: Yo heard your date to Casa Blanca was sick.

Sam: Ye plus I gave her the old Zager Zamboni back at her place so it was a dope night
by Jonny Ovenmitts July 30, 2018
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