34 definitions by Johnny Pseudonym

Operation COITERS was to be the State Department's Official foray into a series of successive Humanitarian Sex campaigns, aimed a bringing the joys of copulation to even the most ugly and charmless people the world over. However several setbacks, including budgetary constraints and extremely shallow Federal Agents, permanently grounded the project.
by Johnny Pseudonym February 1, 2008
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A baseball hat with a mesh backing, the quintessential accessory of scumbag-chic fashion. It's one of the many Paradoxes of American School-age Culture: Rich kids paying out the ass to look like the kids they make fun of.
John Q. Public dumped a pail of garbage on John Doe's head, stating he only wanted to make the financially-disproportionated youth feel at home. He then placed a filthy Von Dutch Trucker hat on his head and heading home to smoke some butts and play Xbox.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 6, 2006
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Japanese Actor. His name has become synonymous with sexy awesomeness.
I would go gay for Toshiro Mifune.
by Johnny Pseudonym March 7, 2008
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A stress-related defense mechanism. Involves reverting to immature behavior when presented with a stressful situation or hurtful information.
The Europeans were very regressive when they realised that Paris and London had been replaced by New York and Rio de Janiero.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 21, 2005
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Formerly Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, successor of John Paul II. So far he hasn't done much; but that's why he as chosen. The Conclave didn't want another long papacy. (It should be noted that he entered the Hitler youth when membership was complusory. He didn't have a choice in the matter.)
Pope Benedict XVI wears a funny hat.
by Johnny Pseudonym August 2, 2005
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Brand of pasta, named in honor of St. George the Dragon Slayer; an early turkish christian knight who saved a pagan syrian town from a dragon and had a mean recipe for Vermicelli in Vodka sauce.
Tony, go get me a box of San Giorgio you brain-dead Bag of Shit!
by Johnny Pseudonym January 26, 2005
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