5 definitions by John williams

Refrain given by nigga's in response to "sup".

Meant to imply that their lives are difficult.
Person #1: "Sup nigga."
Person #2: "We livin'."
by John williams March 13, 2004
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Pertaining to one who is a desired spooning partner.
John Williams considers Annie Ensign eminently spoonable.
by John williams December 28, 2005
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1) A very well endowed male.
2) Pimp
Check out those hotties hitting on that guy! He's a total Speir!
by John williams January 22, 2004
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1: God like being with wicked awesome powers.
2: Person engulfed by wicked awesome powers and the ability to stun.
That is one mighty fine Orko!
by John williams December 5, 2003
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