114 definitions by John Doe

Anyone who watches star trek is considered a trekkie.
Omg Your A Damn Trekkie!
by John Doe June 28, 2004
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If coca-cola and "Head and Shoulders" would ever merge, this is what the company would be called.
"Coca-Cola" and "Head and Shoulders" announced today they are joining forces. The new company will be called "Cokehead#"
by John Doe May 8, 2003
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A really cool yellow foamy thing that you can sleep on and you can order lots of free samples
I ordered a free sample of the tempur-pedic mattress for a teacher at my school!
by John Doe January 23, 2004
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A ball of earwax, not to be mistaken for booger, which is the G and B reversed.
EWWW! He' got goober his face!
by John Doe July 9, 2004
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a person that is so fat fat that it looks like they have no neck. That the neck is connected to their shoulders.
hay no neck
by John Doe November 16, 2003
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hyperactive dog that licks, chews, and slobbers unrelentlessly.
This boxer just shit on my floor
That boxer is humping my leg
by John Doe November 12, 2003
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