13 definitions by Jimmy Williams

A pretentious, rich, liberal post-teen from the north east
"Elizabeth is such a fancy pants fucker. What a rich bitch. I hope she enjoys that new 'tight pad' her daddy bought her."
by Jimmy Williams March 20, 2005
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v. (To muñoz.) To speak spanish with a castillian accent.
Dude, that kid just totally muñozed.
by Jimmy Williams May 2, 2003
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One who enjoys exploring cavernous regions and rustic encampments.
Joey is such a spelunker - kids fuckin up in tha caverns 24/7
by Jimmy Williams April 30, 2003
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A term used by fat women who masturbate to their television set, meaning "French Fries," but also "I'm a piece of trash for using this phrase."
I am a fat woman so I like to eat Liberty Fries and masterbate while watching young Americans die half way around the globe.
by Jimmy Williams April 29, 2003
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a humble and reserved person who is prone to depression and or alcoholism
"Ben get out and live a little, quit being such a conservative fuddy duddy."
by Jimmy Williams March 20, 2005
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