12 definitions by Jim Sammartino

1. Any female who is extremely bitchy.
2. A total cuntress.
3. A woman of unmatched anger or resentment, most often during menstruation.
My boss wouldn't let me have the day off because she's a total megacunt.
by Jim Sammartino May 22, 2008
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Something so vile or revolting that seeing it, or otherwise being exposed to it, results in uncontrollable, involuntary vomiting.
The smell of that dumpster was so vomitorial that I actually barfed right there, on my own shoes.
by Jim Sammartino May 16, 2008
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1. A ubiquitous nickname for any female who is truly revolting.
2. A woman lacking any beauty or charm.
3. The opposite of the classic and beautiful character Cinderella.
Check out Revolterella over there, with her missing teeth and split ends.
by Jim Sammartino May 16, 2008
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The infamous Count Garrin Von Boobula of Transylvania (1802 - 1869), renowned for his obsession with female breasts.

Excessive molestation of women and a chauvinistic attitude earned him a loathesome reputation and eventually forced him into seclusion. His reign of sexual deviance and terror ended tragically when he was smothered by one of his victim's over-sized mammaries.

Contrary to popular belief, Count Boobula was not related to Count Chocula. However, Garrin may have been the originator of the titty twister.
Count Boobula gratuitously grabbed my titty at the pub when he walked by.
by Jim Sammartino May 16, 2008
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1. (n) A ubiquitous nickname for someone who struggles through everything.
2. (n) An idiot.
Strugglina was so inept, he couldn't even change his own tire.
by Jim Sammartino May 30, 2008
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