5 definitions by Jesus with a Shotgun

1. A word used to describe sex situation .
As in very deep into her.
2. Go through something. As in getting shot through.
1. He is so good! He is a penetration master!
2. These bullets are .44 , thus it can penetrate a wall. Be careful with them.
by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018
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An urban slang used to replace shotgun , vinchester , etc.
Became a popular word in a popular game called "Fortnite" , battle royale copy of a copy of a copy.
1. Last match i got 5 kills ONLY from a pump-shotty!
2 No fair! He killed me with the pump-shotty!
by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018
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One fucked up person who is always on meth.
Again?! That meth-head almost died! We gotta stop him!
by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018
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Try to show off too hard. Flexing can be optional. Flexing on sick people,

religion , etc. You can flex with money , thus showing that you are rich & proud. You can flex with your muscles , to show how strong you are.
Guy1: Gosh, okay! We all know you're rich! Just stop flexing so hard!
Guy2: Nope. I like to flex on y'all poor people!
by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018
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A very big evidence of a crime of touching spaghet. Mostly left in Europe.
Touching spaghet and getting caught will get you the sentence of death.
by Jesus with a Shotgun May 13, 2018
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