138 definitions by Jersey kid

A hurricane that struck the gulf coast in August, 2005. The city of New Orleans and the Mississippi coast were destroyed. Many people lost their lives, black, white, hispanic, asian, does it really matter? the point is the storm was horrible. People get caught up (Kanye West) and say "George Bush doesn't care about black people". Not only black people people lived in New Orleans. and I think a more accurate statement would be "George bush doesn't care about people." When people die and a city is lost why do people look at races and blame people? The point is innocent people died, R.I.P. New Orleans is like Atlantis once a thriving city now under water. Hopefully New Orleans will get back on its feet and thrive like it used to.
All races are equal. Hurricane Katrina wasn't racist, she killed anyone in her way, so don't be ignorant and say only black people died.
by Jersey kid November 28, 2007
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It really is not that funny. (I have seen it 4 times, not by choice) There is no plot, it is basically going into the most boring school finding a geek and making a movie about him needing chapstick and him having a crazy uncle. Most people only like it because everyone else does. If you really like good for you I'm not telling you not to and if you were one of the orignal people to watch it and like it that's even better.
I'm not a napoleon dynamite hater it's just that a lot of people only like it because it's the flavor of the month. Just like Crank Dat Soulja Boy, Borat, Livestrong bands, and Ay Bay Bay this trend will die.
by Jersey kid November 2, 2007
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Third Largest City in the U.S, it was built on the corner of the great lake so it actually does have beaches. Chicago is a metropolis on the rise, it was voted to have the best sports teams and has the second largest downtown in the U.S second only to Manhattan. Chicago has a lot of history, and is a great place to visit.
by Jersey kid January 25, 2008
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It's Stupid, we are all amazing so chill.

white, black, hispanic, asian, indian, arabic, does it matter? Racism is messed up, all of our races have done good and bad.
by Jersey kid January 26, 2008
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An urban area with entertainment and a downtown. Different place depending on where youl ive, if you live in NY or NJ the city means Manhttan, if you live in the Bay Area it means San Fran or Oakland. If you live in Illinois you'd prolly call Chicago the city.
I'm going to the city this weekend
by Jersey kid February 10, 2008
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DMX is a hardcore rapper, he doesn't do hip-pop like Nelly or T-Pain.
by Jersey kid January 28, 2008
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An overused word by moronic teenagers, yes I am a teenager but even I'm getting sick of people thinking random is funny.
Girl: Oh My god, I'm really random lol! =

Me: No, you're really stupid.
by Jersey kid January 28, 2008
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