6 definitions by Jeffy12345

When you fart and it's not a fart. We're not talking skid-marks, there's a 3-inch lump of shit in your boxers! Usually a side effect of a Big Mac.
I went to McDonald's and had me a Big Mac. About 30 seconds later, my insides were feeling kinda funny. I drove home speeding at like 200 kilometers an hour. I fumbled my keys tryna unlock the fucking door, thinking "please let me get inside." I farted the second I got inside, but it felt like more than just a fart. I waddled like a penguin to the bathroom, and there was this 3-inch turd in my boxers. A 3-inch piece of fucking green slimy shit made it's way in to my boxers! Shit shart, I thought.
After wiping, I experienced diarrhea.
by Jeffy12345 January 27, 2021
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Bait for fatasses. Usually has a play-area for snot-nosed 5-year-olds to spit on each other, piss down the slide, cannonball into the ball pit, and end up with a wicked nose bleed, giving the other kids aids.
Don't go to McDonald's unless your fat, wanna get fat, or have a snot-nosed little shit that wants to become a Happy Meal addict.
by Jeffy12345 February 11, 2021
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When you and your girl are banging and making Bitcoin investment at the same time
Me and my girl Zoey were bored of the same-old sex. We both had Bitcoin, so we decided to do it Titcoin style. The whole time we were bangin we were investing. We orgasmed at the same time we made our highest investments.
by Jeffy12345 March 16, 2021
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1. Sound Made when your phone or computer dies

2. Sound made when you are taking a shit so huge you can’t even flush it down the fucking toilet
3. Sound made be Roman Reigns before doing a Spear
4. Typed when someone is bored to death (usually at school/work)
1. I was watching porn on my computer when it died! UUUGGGGAAAGGGHHH!!!
2. Oh fuck, I gotta take a shit! *runs to toilet* UUUGGGGAAAGGGHHH!!! HOLY FUCK THAT SHIT IS HUGE!
3. Michael Cole: Roman Reigns looking for a Spear
Roman: UUUGGGGAAAGGGHHH!! *mammoth spear*
4. Student: Goddamn, school is boring as shit! Teacher, can I go on the computer:
Teacher: I don’t give a fuck, Jason!
Jason: *types UUUGGGGAAAGGGHHH to see what comes up. Then finds definitions for it and then adds a new one
by Jeffy12345 June 16, 2020
Isaac: See that sexy purple nigga over there? That’s Waluigi, he’s gonna steal yo chick.

Bobert: fuck.
by Jeffy12345 February 23, 2022
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When you rip a ripe fart and you feel a tickling sensation on your dick and/or balls, otherwise known as your bag. For girls if you feel the sensation on your pussy it’s a bag tickler.
Howard: Ahh god I had way too much edibles.
I felt that on my balls
Callisto: Must’ve been a bag tickler.
Mohammed: That’s nasty.
Trevor: *looking at the night sky baked out of his fuckin’ mind* I need new friends and a new bong.
by Jeffy12345 April 4, 2022
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