37 definitions by Jeff24

<3 - Less than 3. Not more than 3. Not equal to three. But decidedly less than 3.
2 is <3
1 is <3
-1 is <3
by Jeff24 June 9, 2005
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An easter egg in the PC version of the popular Rockstar game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas". It contains the ability for your player(CJ) to have sex with his current girlfriend in a variety of positions, until the orgasm meter is full.
by Jeff24 August 17, 2005
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Noun. A meeting of musicians who smoke cannabis in order to inflict a positive effect on their music playing and songwriting skills.
Stoner: M'kay dude stoner jam at mine on Wednesday. Bring your bong AND your bass this time.
by Jeff24 August 1, 2005
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1.A phrase made popular by a Craig David song. Used to show joy or dissmay.
2.One of the best comdey programmes ever to grace Ch4
1. "Oh no...I've pissed me self...bo selecta."
by Jeff24 July 9, 2003
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BYOB is an acronym with several similar yet related expansions. The acronym is most often associated with a social gathering (a party) at which the host will not be providing alcoholic beverages; the guests are invited to bring a beverage of their choice for their own consumption.

Common expansions of the acronym include:

Bring Your Own Bottle
Bring Your Own Booze
Bring Your Own Beer
Bring Your Own Beverage
not applicable, see above
by Jeff24 July 1, 2005
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A healthy dose of video games.

Not really a vitamin but just as essential as any nutrient to people who play all manner of video games. For any video game obsessive the lack of this health 'benefit' in their daily diet can be serious. However, too much of vitamin vg can cause negative side effects.
Because my Xbox 360 got the RRoD I haven't had my daily dose of vitamin vg in weeks!
by Jeff24 June 18, 2009
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Word made famous by Homer Simpson to express a vigerous action.
Homer: "This is a highly sophstimicated dowhacky, if you dont use it responsibly... KABLAMO!"
*lisa from upstairs on the toilet* "Ow someone just punched me in the face!"
Homer: "It was your mother!"
by Jeff24 December 19, 2004
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