11 definitions by ItsRec

Slag for a quadrant on the political compass, authoritarian left.

Authleft supporters and followers believe in increased government power and left wing economic systems.
Zach: I should be paid $200/hour for working as a McDonald’s clerk.

Sadie: Authleft moment.
by ItsRec May 27, 2021
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John: What is your favorite key to play in?

Jeffrey Epstein: A minor.
by ItsRec April 19, 2021
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Chad is the ultra-based alpha male who has sex 11 times a week.

On a less important note, it’s also a country in Africa.
Bill: Helps an old woman cross the street.

Phil: You are a chad.
by ItsRec May 27, 2021
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Hey are you an ape?

Are you kidding? I own over 200 shares of $GME!
by ItsRec March 21, 2021
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