12 definitions by Is this name used?

A great program that lets you download viruses.

It also serves as a program to download firefox which is way better than internet explorer.

internet explorer is just really bad.

see also shit.
Bob: w00t, I’m downloading 500+ viruses a minute on internet explorer!

Jeff: Lololllolololllololollolz0rz! Inronetz explo0dr is liek fukin', shit. lolololollolololo!!!!!!1!!1!11111!!11! XD
by Is this name used? August 7, 2006
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n., shit·ting thing

1) The act or process of shitting.
2) A person whom excretes shit.
3) What all animals do.
4) A thing that shits.
5) The elimination of fecal waste through one's anus.
present tense
Bob: Im a shitting thing!

future tense
Joe: Tonight I’m going to be a shitting thing!

Past tence
n00b: Last week I was a shitting thing!

bob2: What the fuck? get away from me you shitting thing!
by Is this name used? August 5, 2006
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The words that appear when you kill all of the elvis impersonators in GTA2.
elivis guys: Thank you. Thank you vary much.
me: (pulls out uzi)

by Is this name used? March 10, 2007
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Darren Shans real name.

He wrote books best selling books like cirque du freak and lord loss.

See also darren shan
Bob: I'm reading one of Darren O'Shaughnessy books!
joe: wtf?
Bob: Darren shan >.>
joe: wtf?
bob: the guy the wrote cirque du freak.
joe: yeah! he pwns j00!
by Is this name used? August 7, 2006
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A snake that is made out of pure liquid.

Dont get bit by THE LIQUID SNAKE!
LOL, this snake is liek pure liquid.
by Is this name used? August 6, 2006
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Gay pice of shit that canceled Invader Zim.

A television station run by neo nazis.

A TV channel that allways has crappy cartoons.

See also shit
Bob: nickelodeon is so fucking gay.
Joe: O RLY?
Bob: YA RLY!
Joe: NO WAI!!!
by Is this name used? August 7, 2006
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What is most likely to become the next form of media. Blu Ray was developed by Sony so it will obviously be on the PS3! Some movies are already using Blu ray technology. Although Blu Ray is Currently not popular (may vary at time period of which you read this) there is still Blu Ray players available (lots of $).

Blu ray disks are basically the thing the will make DVDs obsolete. Like what DVDs did to videos. Each side oh a blu ray disk can hold 25 GB, and dual can hold 50 GB, and get this, they're making a quad-layered one with 100 GB.
Blu Ray + PS3 = lots of $ :(
by Is this name used? August 31, 2006
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