5 definitions by InaudibleJet

It's literally a fucking plus, why did you search for this?
jerry: 2+2=22
everyone: very funny
troll: 2+2=222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
by InaudibleJet May 17, 2020
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someone who's brain is compromised entirely of iron; someone who is incredibly stupid
Jack: I saw him dive into the waters which were infested with crocodiles.
Ariana: He has an iron brain
by InaudibleJet July 31, 2021
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That person is so discordist.

"hey tee man u are discordist" -steve

"good 4 me" - tee man
by InaudibleJet September 11, 2020
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A synonym for "jerking off" i.e. masturbation.
Usually the recipient of pleasure has a "long schlong"
This is in reference to the video leaked in February of 2024, which depicts the Canadian Singer masturbating while recording himself.
Person A: I was at the park yesterday, and I saw a girl Draking Off a guy.
Person B: What's that?
Person A: It's when someone jerks off and they have a long schlong.
by InaudibleJet February 14, 2024
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When The
When The
by InaudibleJet May 17, 2020
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