6 definitions by Idek_anything_anymore

A great friend who will always listen when you need him to. He'll have deep conversations with you at anytime of the day or night. He's the type of person you can start talking to at like 9 or 10 and then talk to until 1 or 2.

He's someone who you can reject and then get rejected by and still love him.

He may have a not to happy past, but it's because of his pain that he makes sure no one else has to be sad or go through anything alone if he can help it.

He may not be the most popular boy, but he can really mean a lot to the people he opens up to
Me: I like Samir... I have for a while now
Friend: Really? Him?

Me: Yes him.

In my head: He's amazing and I love him
by Idek_anything_anymore August 23, 2021
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Samir is a boy who may be shy but once you start talking to him he'll warm up to you and you'll start to love him with all of your heart. Just don't tell him that you like him because you missed your chance and he moved on from liking you
I just love Samir
by Idek_anything_anymore July 27, 2021
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PTADI is a complicated acronym that I came up with. It means I Deserve All This Pain. But that would spell out IDATP. My whole life is backwards so it seems to fit that the acronym is backwards too.
"Do you know what PTADI is?"
by Idek_anything_anymore June 5, 2021
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Aliya, like many others, is a girl who has been through a lot throughout her life. She's been betrayed by people she thought cared about her, left behind by others because they wanted popularity, and heartbroken by someone she loved.

Aliya needs attention and reassurance that she's loved. If she's left alone for too long she will start to doubt that people care about her. Moral of the story, make sure that you give her plenty of affection.

No matter how lonely and worthless she feels, she won't never let it show because all she wants is for other people to be happy since she knows what it's like to be overwhelmed by sadness so she keeps a smile on her face.
Person 1: Why's that girl always smiling?

Person 2: Because she's an Aliya... That's just what she does
by Idek_anything_anymore August 19, 2021
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A complicated girl who you know nothing about. You may think you do hut that's only because she wants you to. No one knows the true her anymore because she doesn't even know at this point. She hides a lot because she doesn't want to burden people with her issues.
by Idek_anything_anymore July 27, 2021
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Matthew is one of the best people to have in your life. He can make you go from feeling alone and depressed to happy and loved in a matter of minutes- no seconds. He puts the people he cares about before him every single time they need him.
He will.always try his hardest to make you feel important. Even if you only go get to spend a small amount of time with him per day and even if its not that- even if you only get to see him every once in a while, he will take time to talk to you and make you feel important.

He goes out of his way to talk yo you and won't make you wait long periods of time for his response. He will direct his full attention to you if you're talking to him.
Overall there are too many things about Matthew to try to explain to someone who doesn't know him. There are too many things that I love about him to be able to tell you all of them.
by Idek_anything_anymore June 16, 2021
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