7 definitions by Ian Crowley

Someone who is all around awkward. You never would meet an Elliott that isn’t awkward in every situation. He can be funny at times, but his skills are many to make everyone uncomfortable .
Don’t be an Elliott around girls, just be normal for once.
by Ian Crowley December 23, 2018
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While seeming as a word a retard would use, beticus actually means “bet” or “no way”. If you don’t believe someone can do something, you can say beticus, which is often paired with theticus. Theticus has no real meaning, but makes the word Beticus sound better. Has become a meme in Ridgewood New Jersey, and May live forever.

A word originally invented in the early 2000s, it has grown to be one of the most useful terms in the Urban Dictionary
Nolan: There is no way you would actually do that
David: Beticus Theticus
by Ian Crowley December 24, 2018
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Originating on Snapchat in 2020-2021. Any and all things bad, wrong, underwhelming, insufficient and even smelly, can be described by this word. This is the polar opposite of the word Froontang. There is no need to beat around the bush when explaining this, all negative things can be associated with this word. For example, when someone is acting retarded, you can call them this word.
Nolan - "I just committed tax fraud in multiple states and assaulted 20 men. Now I'm going to jail"
Dave- "That's Proonglart"
by Ian Crowley February 25, 2021
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Used the same way Djrandoon is, where it can mean everything and nothing. Can refer to “the noon time” but retard would say that. Origins unknown but may come from the name of a teacher in Mexico/Arizona. Used when mad and could describe a person. Changing the tone of your voice can change what the word means.
Nolan: *gets killed in fortnite* What the thenoonan
David: You know you actually have to be mentally challenged to say that
by Ian Crowley December 26, 2018
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Often used when throwing something or having projectile thrown across the room also used "throw el meat." Origins from the word yeet
Nolan: Yeetacus Meatacus begone thot *throws thot across room like a boss*
David: *gets hit by thot*
by Ian Crowley December 31, 2019
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Originally made to replace Peeronis, this word was coined in 2021. This word can mean all this good, happy, positive, and successful. The exact opposite of the word Proonglart. Whenever a positive thing happens, this word can be used to describe it. Referenced in the music world, in Next Time You Squeeze My Thigh You Are Gunna Want to Die P2 (NTYSMTYAGWTDP2).
Nate - "Elt finally took a shower! He no longer smells Proonglart!"
Nolan - "That is very Froontang"
by Ian Crowley February 25, 2021
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A word that can some how can mean everything ever and nothing ever. Word can also be pronounced prongdoon (usually by rarted people aka Take The Eli). While not having a defined term, it can be used differently depending on the scenario and tone of voice used with it. One common use is using it in an enraged way as if mad at someone, or being killed in fortnite. Originally created by Swazzy14, it has spread all over the 5 people he plays Fortnite with.

Can also be used with someone saying random words at they worst time possible and hoping for someone to say it was sick. You have to say it is sick or else you will be necked (slapped in the neck for no reason at all).
Nolab:*dies in fortnite like a boss* That was a Djrandoon moment
by Ian Crowley December 26, 2018
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