3 definitions by IRoNGRoN

Cocaine Import Agency. A cynical re-definition of the acronym for the Central Intelligence Agency commonly used by conspiracy advocates. It has its roots in Air America from the Vietnam War era that established drug sales as a way for the CIA to fun black operations "off books". It was during the Iran-Contra affair when the CIA used the funds from illegal arms sales to Iran to fund support for the far right Contra rebels fighting the Sandanista communists in Nicaragua and also the support of General Noreaga of Panama who was a major cocaine trafficker as were the Contras, that this acronym had its origins.
Noreaga was the Cocaine Import Agency's boy, then the CIA rolled that poor bastard and put him in the big house!
by IRoNGRoN March 30, 2019
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Australian slang for an idiot or really stupid person. One who usually performs acts of stupidity.
Mate, that guy is a total blonk!
by IRoNGRoN September 21, 2015
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Australian slang for a teenage shit kid. Can be applied to adults too.
"that gronk sauron narc'd on a guy for hacking him"

"those AOL gronks are so lame"
by IRoNGRoN December 17, 2004
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