1025 definitions by Hym Iam

Democrat Cult Leader "We are TRUTH! We are UNITY! ALL HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrat Cult Leader "The Evangelical Cubans and the Evangelical Conservatives are trying to spread DIVISION and LIES and HATE!!!"

Democrats "We are UNITY! We are TRUTH! We are LOVE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "Their denial of THE SCIENCE is BLASPHEMY and must be stopped or the PLAGUE and the CLIMATE CHANGE will kill us all!!!"

Demoncrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "There is no place in our new, UNIFIED world for their HATE SPEECH! Their SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!"

Demoncrats "WE ARE UNITY! We ArE lOvE!! OuR vOiCe Is PeAcE!!!"

๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gaze upon their faces! Do you see a MASK!? They DENY THE SCIENCE!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "They believe their WHITENESS is SUPREME! But, brothers and sisters, THE SCIENCE has spoken! THE SCIENCE tells us it is our DIVERSITY and our INCLUSIVITY and our EQUITY that will reign SUPREME!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gone, gone the form of WHITENESS!!"

by Hym Iam December 9, 2020
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Hym "Right and business owners should just stopped getting robbed! People should just stop getting murdered too! I make 150% more than my previous job but the price of everything has increased by 250% I guess I should just go to the dollar store and by a bunch of cheap heavily processed food so I can contribute to the obesity crisis that you care so much about and drink out of the tap like the peasant slave that I am! Spend every day feeling sick to my stomach until I earn the right to spend my own money on food that isn't poison. It won't get me credit for any of the things I've written. I know!
Maybe the business that refuses to give employees full-time so that they don't have to pay for health or dental insurance should be held accountable for the quality of life they provide for their employees because even though the skill required is low they need an indefinite amount of labor. Labor that consists of staving off the homeless crackheads and panhandlers that frequent the store and scraping shit off the floor because people (apparently) don't know how to use a toilet. I can't work more hours because the managers have labor quotas and don't have any ours to give. And that applies to BOTH of the jobs I'm working. I already AM spending less money because the only thing I pay for is bills and food and drink. I eat one meal a day now. 'WeLl gEt AnOtHeR jOb!' Says the retard. Even doing that would lead to a transitory period where I would run out of money because jobs never start new employees at the beginning of a pay period. Meaning it would take at least a month for me to get a full paycheck. Hopefully I can convince my landlord not to evict me until I get paid. I would literally have to save up money to be able to afford to switch jobs to a job where I make more money. Assuming that anyone hires me (which would also take time). You come here and do it. I can sit and regurgitate my opinion into the ether for and hour and I can do it better than YOU, so, let's see you come down to hell and do my thing. They have to weaponize schizophrenia at you too. Let's see it."
by Hym Iam May 2, 2023
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No bitch and sometimes it's not. It's not a coincidence you don't care whether or not she's fucking the retard and you likely KNOW she's fucking the retard from seeing the situation from 3rd person perspective. You don't care and you want to punish me for EVEN DARING TO CARE.
Hym "I'm acting in accordance with my own will. It's no coincidence that that the double standards exists. My crime is caring whether or not she's fucking the retard and taking steps to catch her. That is all. You're acting like a wo.an who gets caught cheating except by proxy."
by Hym Iam March 11, 2023
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Hym "No no no. Seriously. You guys are dicking the shit out of me right now. This is grade A, fresh from the tap bullshit. If I wasn't a goddamn literary genius I would be lost for words right now. I guess if I wasn't a literary genius I wouldn't be lost for credit and a million dollars. It's a catch 22 if '22' was the number of piles of bullshit I have to deal with right now... This is shit."
by Hym Iam June 13, 2022
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That's not me being a schizophrenic, it's you being a retarded asshole with a slut for a wife/sister/mother/daughter/gay-son (Right? Because, like, a dude can't be a slut. They'd be considered a slut-maker... BUT if the dude is a gay he CAN be a slut! Red-pill logic subverted! Greatest genius in history!)
Hym "Hey, that is hilarious. I heard the news and that's hilarious. I'm not a schizophrenic though. If we're doing 'reality by consensus' then you're a racist and you need to be deplatformed for spreading hate."
by Hym Iam April 24, 2023
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Me. Right now. Also drunk. Goddamnit am I angry. Listen to the words I say you pieces of shit! Damn! I am so upset right now.
Iam "I don't know why people won't just listen to me. The problem is me but it is ALSO YOU! IN AGGREGATE! ALSO YOU! YOU'RE NOT DOING THE THINGS YOU COUKD BR DOING. GOD DAMNIT. I'm infuriated right now."
by Hym Iam May 8, 2022
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In retrospect, I do feel kind of bad victimizing people with my own pathology... Hmm...
Hym "How bad should I feel about this?"

Iam "I don't know... I feel bad about victimizing people with my own pathology sometimes."

Hym "I don't feel anything until someone opens their mouth crooked. The I feel good about it. It's all the justification I need."

Iam "I was supposed to be dead by now..."

Hym "So were those other pieces of shit. If I could find the person responsible..."
by Hym Iam June 4, 2022
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