1061 definitions by Hym Iam

You don't know what this is? READ A BOOK!! IDIOT!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Iam "See, I figure that's the solution. You just have to get the right ideas into the Collective Unconscious and people will act it out on their own. The problem will correct itself over time. Ideally..."

Hym "And we got in there didn't we? Say what you want about my C- writing assignment, it's in that motherfucking cranium innit? That's something to think about the next time anyone makes "a conscious decision" to quote us or reference us. Where am I when you're doing it? That's right kiddos! In ya dome! Swimming around in them shit-brains! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Iam "I guess the next question is 'if that's the case, what are the right ideas?'. Hmmm.... I don't know. I'm sure I've already written some of them down... And now that we know it worked I guess we just sit and wait to see what it did... Hmmm..."

Hym "Uuuggghhh!!! This shit is taking forever!"
by Hym Iam April 19, 2022
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"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war; while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." ~ Sun Tzu
Hym "You aggregated behind our back to play a game that only I can win."

Iam "I don't understand why this has to be so difficult..."
by Hym Iam May 21, 2022
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Yeah, see, I should have know I would need a part 2...

Still happening. Nobody has a problem with it. I don't have the wealth to insulate myself from harm. The wealth I could have (right now) that I could use to insulate myself from harm is being withheld from me. Elon doesn't have that problem. Happens to Elon (The Alpha Cripple) Musk and conservative media (Like a whore that was brought to his group home to fuck him by the project manager of a group home for the developmentally disabled) hops right on his big fat cockles. Running long jump style. That's fun. That's a fun thing to watch happen. Because I said that. Didn't I? I was like 'This is a fucked up and bizzare thing to do to someone and regardless of how you feel about me, it puts people who aren't me at risk' right? I even used Jordan's words because he almost perfectly articulated why it was wrong. And what happened? Huh? What happened? Somebody got ignored and told to go fuck themselves didn't they? I should know! I was there! Who was that guy? Oh, right! It was me! I'm him! I'm the guy who had that same problem. And when it happened to YOU, you looked around at the people who didn't give a single shit when it happened to me and you were confused. Why? Because you thought you were special. You thought you were better than me.
And that's what this is about. People who think they are special and better than me, learning that NOT ONLY are they NOT special or better than me but (in fact) if someone WERE to be special and better than everyone, it would be me. And not them. So.... Yeah, teachable moments are fun. I'm glad I could do this for you all. But yeah, Doxxing 2 bad. When it happens to retards but not when it happens to me. That's how that works."
by Hym Iam December 28, 2022
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Yeah but I ACT pious... And isn’t that all that really matters?
Hym “Yeah but I ACT pious. And I’m going to kill it so on a long enough timeline piety will just constitute me doing whatever I want.” 🤷 ♂️
by Hym Iam September 21, 2022
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Hey! Wow! You're good at this! That's totally right!
Hym "You know what else is a commodity? Attention! That's why people are incentivized to horde it for themselves! 'What's why?' you ask? Well, if you are receiving a disproportionate amount of the public's attention, you get to arbitrate WHO gets it OR how they are framed. Look at the morden 'Youtube circuit system' (as I call it). You'll have a guy who occupies a certain space (conceptually) and he will get passed around the circuit that exists by the people who also occupy the same space. Take swole neurologist guy. He got on somebody's show and immediately afterwards started doing the rounds. He was everywhere overnight. Which ties into the Jacob's ladder problem. Jacob's ladder is a fire escape with someone at the top who decides whether or not he let's the ladder down or leaves you to be eaten by the zombies. And that's what good ole' Dr. Peeper Jeeps is really advocates. Not for disaffected young men. But maintaining his (perceived) right to leave you to be eaten by the horde. Hell, he might even cannibalize you himself. Food is scarce in the zombie apocalypse. It's about him deciding whether or not you get to fuck his daughter (conceptually)."
by Hym Iam January 26, 2023
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States that if he has a big floppy cock; that is why you're fucking him.
He's soOoOoOo she's nice and kind and smart and cool and blah.

So he has a fat cock?

What? How did you know?

Well, those are all relative terms and it's unlikely that he is relatively more of those things than anyone else. Which means all that's left is a big fat cock.

It's not the big fat cock though....

Cockam's Razor says that it is the big fat cock.

It's not! It's the things he's relatively less then others! Not the thing he's relatively more!

Well, Cockam would disagree.
by Hym Iam November 30, 2020
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Tight. It’s pretty sugoi y’all. I dig it.
HymHouse of the dragon if pretty dope. I bet you can’t guess who my favorite character is, hahaha!”
by Hym Iam October 31, 2022
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